Monday, July 27, 2009

"Profits Are Better Than Wages" - Jim Rohn

How Do You Build A Million Dollar Business??

1) You have to work! But not hard if you work smart!
2) You have to be ethical. There's no way around this for long term success.
3) You have to invest either money or time! Leverage is the key if you are short on either one!
4) Make sure you have the proper training. Learn from the Masters!

If you have ever considered starting a network marketing business NOW is the time to do it! Endorsed by Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, David Bach and many other great business leaders, Network Marketing (aka Direct Sales) allows the average person to build a million dollar business with a minimal financial investment. It doesn't matter what your education is, family background, financial situation; PhD or GED, it doesn't matter!!

Franchises are restrictive and can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars or more. Starting a business from the ground up is costly, in time, money and your health! Network marketing is something we do every day, only most people don't get paid for it (how many people have you told to see a movie or eat at a particular restaurant??)

Corporate America continues to downsize, cut back, layoff and yet the CEOs walk away with millions - that, folks, is a PYRAMID!! If you THINK you know about Network Marketing but don't have a business, you DON'T know about network marketing. If and when you understand the POWER of this business model, you will be all over it!!

If you want more information, please reply to this post. I'm happy to talk with you about the different options, tell you why I gave up the corporate world about 4 years ago and have never looked back.

You can also check out the FTC publication, "The Bottom Line About Multilevel Marketing Plans" - BTW, "multilevel" is a compensation plan, not a business plan (

You may decide you want more info about my company, or you may want to check out several different companies. The most important thing is that you CHECK IT OUT!!! I believe so strongly in Network Marketing, having spent over 20 years in traditional advertising/marketing, that I believe EVERYONE should own their own business!

Remember, if you don't do anything different, nothing will change!