Friday, August 21, 2009

The Event of the Decade - Engage Today 2009!

It doesn’t happen very often where you get the chance to learn directly from some of the world’s top thinkers and business leaders .. but that’s exactly the opportunity I wanted to share with you!

My friends Alex Mandossian and Greg Habstritt are offering a powerful 4-week training series and they have allowed me to invite you to participate in this unique opportunity. The best part – there is absolutely NO cost for this training for you!

The focus of this series is to discuss the ‘new economy’, and how you can create success and prosperity by understanding the NEW rules of success and culminates in a Live Event of epic proportions - Engage Today 2009 – with the trainers from the teleseminars and more world leaders including the Dalai Lama! To get all the details, just go to this link ==>

Would it help for you to know the new strategies and ideas that some of the world’s most successful people are using to get ahead? Some people are NOT experiencing the effect of this recession and they want to pass their skills and tools on to you!

Take a look at the line up of some of the guests:
=> Mega billionaire Sir Richard Branson
=> Dr. Stephen Covey (who's sold over 15 million copies of "The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People")
=> Tony Hsieh (who just sold to Amazon for $900 Million (!)
=> Bill Harris (star of "The Secret") and one of the sharpest business minds I know!
=> Bill Phillips (author of "Body-for-LIFE", the all-time best selling health book in the world!)
=> Marci Shimoff (New York Times best selling author)

There’s absolutely no cost, and you’ll plug into some of the greatest minds, all focused on one thing - helping you understand how to not just survive in today’s world, but to THRIVE, create prosperity and change!

We have already had the first call, but you can listen to the 70 minute replay now and get in on the call for next Wednesday! There will be 3 more calls live at 3p Pacific/7p Eastern on the next 3 Wednesdays.

Register for the teleseminars and you’ll receive updates and reminders for the calls ==>

Take advantage of this great training, and if you are able, consider attending this incredible live event!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Thoughts Become Things

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought" - Buddha

The Law of Attraction is not a new concept, in spite of the gusto around the movie, The Secret a few years back. Around for thousands of years (and probably more) it is the concept that what we focus our attention on is what we attract into our lives.

Good or bad. The Universe does not understand such concepts; it is only in our human minds that good and bad play out. The same for big things (a car, a house) or small things (a parking space, a friend calling you). The Universe simply provides you with what you are thinking.

"This is gonna be a bad day" . . .guess what? You have a bad day. "I'll never make it on time." "I'll be alone forever." You get the idea.

This is one of my greatest concerns and issues with the media focus on the economy (you can substitute any issue here: war, famine, the environment). By focusing on the negative are we really creating the driving force to the economic "crisis"? I have to believe that there is a positive side to the current events of our time. Even if it's that people are questioning spending money they don't have on things they don't need - yes, I understand that commerce is a good thing, but I'm sure if we try really hard we can come up with something better than the 47th version of the G. Foreman grill. . . we'll leave that for another day.

I challenge everyone to begin each day by being grateful for the things you DO have. I taught my children long ago that there will always be people who have more than you do, and people that have much less. Instead of dwelling on what you don't have, be thankful for what you do have.

Let go of ANTs (automatic negative thoughts) as soon as they pop into your head; IMMEDIATELY think of its positive opposite (Bad Hair Day = I'm healthy and HAVE hair).

Visualize what you want as if you already have it. But make sure it's something you really want! I worked with a client who thought she wanted a big house. By the time we got to the bottom of her desire she realized that she didn't want a big house at all (she hated cleaning) but she did want the feeling of success and respect she felt it would bring. The Universe is funny that way - it will only support you in your desires are in alignment with who you are now.

If you want to take it a step further, check out Video Dream Boards - short positive videos, customized to your goals, that help you focus on what you want and begin to move your thoughts in alignment with the Universe to bring those things to you.

Try The Law of Attraction this week. See if you can go through a day focused on the positive, what you "have" (even if it hasn't shown up yet) and what you're grateful for. Then do another day, and another, and another. . . .

Monday, August 3, 2009

How Much Is A Lot of Money??

How Do I Make A LOT Of Money??? I hear that often and that's a question that is different for everyone. As Sheryl Crow penned, "It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got."

Many programs tout making hundreds or even thousands of dollars a day. Yes, there are programs that can produce those results. . . for some people. . . on some days. Rarely are they as easy as the ads make it sound and even more rarely do these programs produce at that level for any length of time.

I think there are better options for long term residual (ongoing) income through established & reputable direct sales companies but this path requires a more hands on approach and success is dependent upon matching your personality with the company/product/compensation plan.

Still, in this economy having "more money" is a good thing at any level. There are many ways to create supplemental income, or replace your current income. I've outlined a few and have more to come, but in this blog entry I want to talk about what having even a little more money a month means.

Some people disparage programs offering a paltry $300 a month in extra income. But is $300 a month such a bad thing? Did you know that in order to generate $300 in an interest bearing account you would have to have $90,000 in that account?

$300 a week? $360,000 in that same account!

So next time you're considering an opportunity that looks solid but doesn't have the lure of "thousands of dollars a day" don't just toss it aside. If you're looking for long term income, you may be better off than a flash in the pan option.

Remember the tortoise and the hare: Slow and Steady wins the race!!