Monday, August 3, 2009

How Much Is A Lot of Money??

How Do I Make A LOT Of Money??? I hear that often and that's a question that is different for everyone. As Sheryl Crow penned, "It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got."

Many programs tout making hundreds or even thousands of dollars a day. Yes, there are programs that can produce those results. . . for some people. . . on some days. Rarely are they as easy as the ads make it sound and even more rarely do these programs produce at that level for any length of time.

I think there are better options for long term residual (ongoing) income through established & reputable direct sales companies but this path requires a more hands on approach and success is dependent upon matching your personality with the company/product/compensation plan.

Still, in this economy having "more money" is a good thing at any level. There are many ways to create supplemental income, or replace your current income. I've outlined a few and have more to come, but in this blog entry I want to talk about what having even a little more money a month means.

Some people disparage programs offering a paltry $300 a month in extra income. But is $300 a month such a bad thing? Did you know that in order to generate $300 in an interest bearing account you would have to have $90,000 in that account?

$300 a week? $360,000 in that same account!

So next time you're considering an opportunity that looks solid but doesn't have the lure of "thousands of dollars a day" don't just toss it aside. If you're looking for long term income, you may be better off than a flash in the pan option.

Remember the tortoise and the hare: Slow and Steady wins the race!!

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