Friday, September 11, 2009

"I Don't Want to Be Online - Why Do I Need a Website?"

Although this seems like a no brainer, I actually talked to a business owner the other day who flat out refuses to be online. He is committed to maintaining a personal relationship with his customers. A noble desire indeed, but, as I tried to point out to him, not in line with what his customers (and potential customers) are doing!

According to the PEW Internet & American Life Project, 73% of American adult internet users are online on any given day. Email, Research, News & Weather top the list of activities. But they are also looking for information on products, services and hobbies or interests.

Chances are this gentleman's customers are looking for information in his business category online first, compiling a list of businesses to investigate further. Without an online presence he won't even make the list. And that is a sad fact given his commitment to customer service, both for him and those customers who will end up elsewhere possibly having a bad experience (he has told me his industry is fraught with online misrepresentations - all the more reason for him to be online!)

No matter what your business is - retail, service, non-profit - you NEED an online presence. And please, more than just a listing on Citysearch on other online directory where you are lumped in with your competition!

That level of services and features you need is dependent on your business. A few smaller businesses can get by with just a page or two, but for most business a more robust presence is needed. This is not the time to cut corners, have your nephew's best friend "make you a website" or try to take the cheap route. This is the first impression most of your future customers will have of you. In an environment of billions of webpages you want to not only be found, but to stand out as a respectable and professional choice. Don’t try to cram an encyclopedia of information in two pages, making your viewers scroll to eternity to find anything. If your business can’t be properly represented in 5 pages, get more! You may spend more but it will be worth it!

A well planned out, easily navigated and informative site will increase your bottom line and improve your customer service! If you have a site and it is not bringing you customers, find out why, and fix it! The internet IS here to stay - make it your friend!

If you need help, contact

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